Friday, October 15, 2004
3:20 AM
FinaLLy eXaM ovEr liAox.. aCtuaLLy stiLL haV oNe mOrE lahx.. aRt.. tad waN heCk caRe.. hahax~ tOday papeR stiLL ok laHx... can saY beTa theN thE reSt... thE reSt reaLi diFF... can prepaRe tO diE... ha... sO nOw veRi fRee... leFt tad sTuPid aRt... dUn feeL lk dOing... mUz dRaw aGain... veRi siaN... yup... tOday aFteR the DnT gO eaT caRRot caKe... aCtuaLLy waNa eaT aT maC wan... bT... u aLL knOe i veRi gOod wan... aCCompany my fRen gO eaT hawkeR... hahax~ theRe veRi the hOt.. lk in OveN... hax... kiDDinG... theN aFteRtad we weNt maC chiT-chaT... tOk abT tOm waNa gO wheRe aLL thOse... untiL 11 theN cOme hOme... theN dO aRt lO... sO gTg dO aRt Le... bUai... tC~~! =pPp