Wednesday, October 13, 2004
8:40 AM
DaMn sHit... tOdays papeR aLL can geT ready tO faiL!! OMG... sTupiD q aLL sO diFF... anyhOw dO asO nO ans siaz... then lEave bLanK... die liaOx lOrx... aLL whO's faUlt? my faUlt lOrx.. hahax.. gOinG mad alReady.. bT at leaSt aLL the impOrtant OneS (LefT chi) kaO wan le... can't waiT fOr the examS tO geT oveR... haix... headaChe.. duN bOrdeR tO leaRn chI.. bOred sia... liFe reaLy suX..