Saturday, October 02, 2004
tOk... tOk... tOk...
12:44 PM
OoO... sO tiRed... (ywaRn) tOday fiRst day Of exam.. papeR One... fOr the eng... i chOoSe nO. 3.. whiCh is chiLdhOod memOrieS... wRoTe a biG chUnk Of ruBbiSh... hahax~ theN laTa gT cHi papeR... i chOsE 2 n 5.... asO chiLdhOod memOrieS... sO bOred leHz... they seT papeR asO aLL the same one...!! siaN neHx... aFteR exam juI mOre relieF liaO... cOs finaLLy one papeR finiSh... canOt waiT fOr aLL tO fiNiSh!! haha~ theN i gO bandStOre mEet meL... cOs waNa gO eaT at maC.. haahx~ gT meL, Ee Ling, QijuN n me!! aCtuaLLy veRi siaN... onLi sO feW.. hahaX.. aCtuaLLy tOt afTeR eaT gO hOme uSe inTeRneT.. Bt whO knOws?? hahax~ we chiT chaT untiL 5+ then gO hOme.. we tOk frOm eaSt tO weSt... weSt tO nOrth n nOrth tO sOutH!! hahax~ asO cRacK LAME jOkeS!! ya.. tOday On thE buS gT One mOtheR.. bcOs heR chiLdreN sinG sOng... she dun unceRstanD.. say they "kaU beI kaU bu"... sO bad leHz.. stiL sCold theiR teAcheR say teaCh thiS tyPe nOisy sOng!!! hahax~ piTy them!! yuP.. nTh muCh tO wRite liaO... haahx... nIteZ.. tC.. mUacKx!!