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Sunday, September 26, 2004
aNgRy!!!! HaPpY~~!!
1:35 PM idiOt.. sOrRy.. hahx tO sTaRt my jOurnaL wiTh suCh wOrdS... hahax... u knOw wad??!! LaSt niGhT i wROte a lOng lOnG jOuRnaL... u knOw wad??!! keNa deLeted!!! sO angRy man!! cOs actuaLLy wRiTe finiSh wan... tHen hOrx... my brO waNna the inTeRneT... sO i wrOtE iT oFFline... whO knOws??!! i waiTed untiL 11+... he stiLL uSinG!!! sO i gO sLeep... aCtuaLLy saVeD thiZ paGe on deSktOp... tOt tad eveRythiNg wiLL stiLL laSt... bT in thE enD... deLeted!! nVrm.... tOday wOke uP at 9.30 lk tad... bT stiLL veRi tiRed... duNnO y... hahax... theN dO my dNt fOliO... siaNz wan... aLL sO diFFicuLt tO dRaw... sO aLL aLsO anyhOw dRaw... heCk caRe liaOx... hahax~!! theN aBt 11+ OnLine... untiL afTernOon 3+... had my muSiC LeSsoN in beTwEEn... hahx~ theN laTa gO tuItiOn... tOday quiTe a bOriNg day aCtuaLLy... hahax~ afTeR tuitiOn gO beDOk iNteR. eaT... sUddenLy gT One mad Old man.. duNnO waNa fiGhT wiF whO... sO sCaRy man!! he stiLL waNa taKe oFF hiS shiRt... theN dO the bOxinG thinGy... stiL KiCk hiS LeG... sO afteR faSteR run liaOx... (whO sO sTupid... stiLL siT theRe... laTa keNa biTTen) hahax~ theN gO giaNt buy gOldeN eGGs.. eX leHz... heex~ theN gO my gRandmOtheR hOuSe... giV heR eGGs... gO sEe my dOgGy tOo!! hahx~ theN cOme hOme... On the cOm... dRinK miLo... sO niCe!! sWeeT n hOt... hahax~ (~siaO~) bT i caN pRepaRe tO die... gT sO many teSt haveN sTudy yeT.... hOw??!! nO mOod leHx... onLi fEeL lk pLayiNg!! hahax~ Kkzx... thinGy i'LL wRiTe tiL heRe... tOday nTh inteReStinG... laTa mE myseLf suRe reaD untiL sianz.. dun say u aLL readiNg tiZ.. hahx~ tC.. niTez.... dUn miSs mOi!!~ =PpP |
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Ng Ling Mei has seen the world changing for 19 years.Wonderful aries that has since seek great independence on 29 March 1990 Clarinetist of DW and MJCSB Thoughts
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