Thursday, September 16, 2004
8:39 PM
yOz!! i'm baCk!! hahax~ sO fasT itS thuRsay aGaiN!! hahax~ tOday veRi tiRed... aCtuaLLy iS eveRyday lahX... haahx~ tOday eaT riCe fOr reCeSs... bT nO aPpitiTe... hahax... then keep laughiNg... sO fuNny xia... laUgh aLL the way fRom canTeeN tO the cLaSsrOom... sTomaCh aChe liaOx... laUgh untiL caNnot stOp!! tOo fuNny... hahax~ theN luNch tiMe asO dun feeL lk eaTinG... bUy the chaR siEw Rice onLi eaT a LittLe... theN the reSt thRow away... sO waStefuL... haiz... bT tOo bad lOrx.. reaLLi caNnOt finiSh eaTing eaT maHx... haha~ thEn laTa gO up... lOok at my fRiendS plat badmintOn wiF keLLy... then haV a shOrt seCtiOnaL... theN laTa heLp the LibRaRy tO giV oUt sCoRceS... wOw!! gT sOme miSsing sO many sEi!! then haV tO cOpy oUt.. sO ke liaN...~ hahaX... i onLi heLp tO cOpy the wakakusa hiLL... hahx... theN sTay iN schOol untiL the chOir end... tO lOok fOr the its my LifE scOre! untiL aBt 6 pLus theN gO my gRandmOtheR hOuSe!! hahax~ gO theRe of cOuRse quiCkly baTh n eaT.. thEn waTch tV prOgramme.. hahx~ theN cOme hOme... theN heRe i am nOw... wRitiNg thiS!!! hahax~ thingy nTh eLse tO wRite liaOx... bUai!! tC~!!