Friday, October 08, 2004
4:47 AM
sO neRvOus... waiT fOr the papeRs... tOday fiRst day Of the aCtuaL papeRs... scARed aLL dunnO hOw tO dO xia... finaLLy taKe the papeR... eVeRythinG sEEmEd sO haRd... bT lUckiLy thiS waS nOt thE reaL thinG... i fiNd the maThs stiLL Ok.. bT quIte diFF tOo... wOrSeLy iS thE sTupid geOg... aLL the q aLL nOt reLated wan... stiLL asK whO iSh the wan whO dOnatEd mOney... stuPid q xia... bT finaLLy geOg iSh oveR.. dun need tO lOok aT iT anymOre!! ahhax!~ sO happy!! can finaLLy phew.. hahax~ nTh uCh tO wRite liaOx... waNa chaT wiF mUa buDdieS!! tC... mUacK!!