Sunday, August 31, 2008
Best wishes
10:19 PM
A very HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY to
(The font supposed to be ENLARGED, but i dont know why my blogger can't do that as it will just overlap one another,damn. As seen from the post below)
I'm really super duper tired of studying. Not that i hate studying, but i just can't stand the fact that studying is like learning it by rote. Somehow, the A levels is like testing on our abilty to memorize and regurgetate. Sheesh. And the questions seemed as though they were all conundrums. Therefore, i think that having a BIG brain that can store till beyond saturation point is really a sine qua non!
Happy studying anyway, anyway, that's what revolves around us.
ANTS ANTS ANTS, PLEASEEEEEEEEE, forgoodnesssake! Stop crawling all around. It's really irritating and u will just get killed. Sooooo, SCRAMMMMMM!