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Friday, August 29, 2008
Bridge or Study?
10:28 PM First of all, wishing all the teachers around the world a very Happy Teachers' Day! Thanks so much for all the precious time you all spent on us. Thanks so much for patiently teaching us, for having such patience that could cause you to puke blood. Thank you so much for all the nurturing and the tolerance. Although we may seem rebellious sometimes, we are really trying very hard. HAHA. Anyway, no teacher is gonna read this. LOL! So, enough of all the appreciated hard work! Despite the fact that we could reach school later today(self-proclaim), i reached super early, earlier than the time i normally would reach, thanks to the unreliable 58 that came super early today. We skipped the concert and hid somewhere (secret) and played bridge! (OOPS) From after morning assembly till all the way till party time! It's super addictive! Just like that wang wang that we started munching! Today's game is like some miracle. I won sets where i had only one or two truimph cards. LOL! And can you imagine a spades four winning the last set? HAHA. It sent roars of laughter! Practically laughed till our stomachs ached! Super fun! And i think out table broke record of reshuffling the cards! We reshuffled like more than ten times? And four times straight in a row! HAHAHA. Anyway, it was like a gambling den! Cause we occupied 3 tables and four per each table. OMG. I can't believe we are actually doing this. Then went off for party! wooo~ Lots of food! Then went to airport for lunch. POPEYES. But i ate the bread only cause i was too full to eat! Went tcc later. I was CHEATED! GRrrrrrrr! Look at the picture down here. Guess how big is it. Now, comparing with a normal sized tomato sauce bottle, can u already gauge the size of it? If you can't scroll further down. Now, compare it with this SMALL spoon. You should know how small Nutello is! *More photos next time :) |
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Ng Ling Mei has seen the world changing for 19 years.Wonderful aries that has since seek great independence on 29 March 1990 Clarinetist of DW and MJCSB Thoughts
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