Thursday, March 20, 2008
10:58 PM
Oops! I just slept till twelve unknowingly today! haha
So long since i slept till so late! HAHAHA
shoick ah!
Ok, so i started watching nodame cantabile again after i have stopped watching for so long! This show is really FABULOUS! and now i am watching the second part!
They are just so talented. I'm dumbfounded.
Oh well, and i had to be a part-time maid these few days cleaning up urine and shit. BY MY BELOVED DOG!
zzz angry can. anyhow pee.
Ok, after vacuuming and mopping the whole house today felt giddy. weak ah weak.
And yay! tomorrow going science center! ahah a little random ya.
so exciting, arent it. HAHA
oh well, its STRESS from all the work. i wonder, ponder, how could people get straight As?
God's just to unfanthomable