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Saturday, December 26, 2009
No idea
11:23 PM December had been a great month. Full of fun and excitment, of course that excludes the exams. Had been really busy and thus haven't really got the chance to blog. Carolling with hall productions was really a great experience, as well as the gig with NTUSB clarinetists. Just one thing i need most-sleep. I think I'm going bankrupt because of slept debt! Talking about debt, I really spent a bomb right after exams! Gosh. But then, it's all worth it =) I was too tired to get up for sectionals today. Partly because NTU's so far. Gahhh. Supposed to meet up for basketball, but it rained! So heavily that I didn't feel like stepping out of the house. Just as i wanted to leave house, the location was changed. Haha. Not fated for me to play la! Haha. Anyway did some packing and ended up with headache. Till now. Goddamn. Anyway, a great birthday to my little bf. He's just so cute. Yes he is. Don't you dare disagree. Haha. Sighs. But he's gotta skin problem and had to go for another groom. He isn't happy with such short hair. But still, he's just as cute as ever. 91 years old. As I was packing, I came across my drawings. Okay, not really came across, I could see the very first picture everyday. I love the mickey mouse and doggie! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Haha. And this 'toy'. It still fasinates me till today. In fact, this car was fixed today! Haha. ![]() It's just like that. Life. A children's day pressie from my form teacher. Don't quit when the tide is the lowest, For it's just about to turn; Don't quit iver doubts and questions, For there's soemething you may learn. Don't quit when the night is the darkest, For it's just a while 'til dawn; Don't quit when you've run the farthest, For the race is almost won. Don't quit when the hill is steepest, For your goal is almost nigh; Don't quit, for you're not a failure Until You fail to try. Friday, December 25, 2009
12:39 PM Merry Christmas to all!!! Sunday, December 06, 2009
11:08 PM First weekend of holidays, and it's already filled with fun, joy and laughter! Couldn't wait to meet up 07s306 for class bbq. Unfortunately, god wasn't really on our side; it rained. On the other hand, the cosy dark house made it felt so homely. Fried rice, chips, games, so romantic huh! The good old days. Went Iris's house to stayover! Wheee! Just that the piggy lili slept the moment she lied on the matress! Tsktsk. She missed out alot! Hehehe. Talked, ate, watch movie, and finally KO-ed at 7am. Haha. Woke up at 1 and continued our movie! Hehehe. Lunched and homeeeee =) Went for philharmonic Winds concert, it was totally awesome. I feel deprived of playing in a band suddenly. I didn't wasted my night. Shoickness. Haha. More exercise though. Haha. Think thank thunk. I think I shouldn't be so bothered by whatever it is. But I'm wondering if that's the right choice. Woohoo. It's all in the mind. ![]() ![]() Saturday, December 05, 2009
12:28 AM Wooohoo! Great weather, to both the sun and rain. Had a good swim today! 20 laps. Hehe. After a long long break from exercising. Great sun to swim, cosy weather to shop with besties! More to come. HOHOHO! Thursday, December 03, 2009
9:36 PM EXAMS ARE OFFICIALLY OVER =) It's playtime! It's time to catch-up with everyone! Miss those days! |
Welcome!I may not know the reason for you to have come to my blog BUT ENJOY That's me
Ng Ling Mei has seen the world changing for 19 years.Wonderful aries that has since seek great independence on 29 March 1990 Clarinetist of DW and MJCSB Thoughts
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