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Friday, June 05, 2009
11:39 PM Today woke up super early to meet for breakfast. Big day for some boys - Note, it's boys. Haha. Cause they said NS is where boys become man. Haha. So if a man goes in, hmmm, what will they be like after NS? Haha. Anyway, met the rest on the bus then went to Macs for breakfast :) Today tw's going in and next friday sh will be going in! One by one all's enlisting! So, I finally got a chance to enter Tekong. Supposed to go there two and a half years ago, but thanks to my 'boss' i couldn't make it. Took the ferry over to tekong. Beautiful view. Tekong's a beautiful place, to those who wouldn't need to enlist there. It's really beautiful. Went around looking at the bunks and whatnots. Got a chance to eat the army boy's food. Haha. Don't really want to comment on the food. Haha. But it's really freaking hot there. After about four hours we're back in Singapore! All the best to those who are enlisted :) Sort of rush off to work. I couldn't rush accept for the walking part because i was taking public transport :S Oh wells, i was a little late for work! oops! Heh, and today was damn busy for about two hours! Ah, those cute kiddies :) Then afterthat was choinging marking o.O Eyes was quite tired eh. Yea. I am happy now cause my laptop is working finally. But i hope it won't die like suddenly since i'm praising it. Please be well. Haha. Anyway some pictures. ![]() My hair looks weird!! |
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Ng Ling Mei has seen the world changing for 19 years.Wonderful aries that has since seek great independence on 29 March 1990 Clarinetist of DW and MJCSB Thoughts
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