Monday, April 13, 2009
12:09 AM
Gahhh! Have been spending money so much these days that make me feel real guilty! However, most of it was spent on food! So, this really shows that EATING is an expensive part of life! Met sy to go tampines before meeting the rest to book their cruise! Too bad i can't go. Lame excuses that they always like to give. They have no life and is causing me to have none too. Wth. Choose spot la. And i'm finally going into Tampines1! HAHA Looks high class and it is! All the branded shops. I just makes me feel worse cause i know i can't buy anything! Anyhow, my main aim was to get into uniclo! To get the slippers that my friend say was not bad. It ended up like some hmm. Yup, it's cheap but then, the design, HAHA, u know. Bought two tops though! Unnecessary ones actually. Damn. Then went off to meet the rest at esplanade for SWS beautiful sunday! Dinnered at BREEKS! Thanks alot for the treat! I really didn't know until cow started calculating. LOL! Then we started to walk around aimlessly, trying to get the food digested huh! Since cow said standing up would make her feel hungry! HAHAHAHA!Oh wells. A short post. Don't really have the mood to blog. NOISE! I'm quite irritated at the moment.