Friday, July 18, 2008
10:39 PM
I've been missing-in-action for the past few days due to the truckload amount of work and being too sleepy to even turn on the computer. Hmm. Is this a boon or a bane to me? You decide. Anyway, there's stacks and stacks of test papers to be done. Hopefully buying them now is not too late, although i feel that it is really impossible to finish up all of them.Up-coming events:1. Finish up homework2. Honour Band tomorrow at at vch3. Chem time trials on thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, chemical equilbruim (do dead)4. Jap exchange on wed5. Aichi meiden & mjcsb concert on thursSo many things, so little time.Anyway, i know this news is out-dated, but still, i wana share with you guys.MJCSB got a GOLD for NBC! Congrates to all :)Didn't manage to take lots of photos, oh well, took many section photos with all the same pose and position thought. haha. may do yourself a favour and visit facebook to view them haha. i'm too lazy to upload them.Thanks people for keeping my tagboard active. HAHA!