Sunday, December 23, 2007
9:43 PM
wow, record breaking ah!
This whole week not even a day i slept later then 9.
Yesterday had band and christmas lunch, oh yea, what a lunch.
Then rushed down to tangs again for give wrapping.
Till 10, and reached home at 11 plus.
So damn tired that i didnt use the com.
Ooo, so fast its the last day of gift wrapping.
Enjoyed myslef. Was very fun actually. HAHA
i dont mine doing it for another day.haha!
Orchard was like tunas in sea.
Was crawling like snails.
Got my black shirt finally haha
Then to tm to buy more presents. HEHE!
ok, and my shoe spoiled. damn it.
Legs were so pain too.
tired. zzzz