Tuesday, January 23, 2007
10:33 PM
Sleepy day.Slept almost at all lectures and tutorials.Cant blame me totally.The way they spoke was like monotone... Just like lalubi. CAnt help not falling asleep.More and more information. My brian is exploding!i really need time to process. Really.Homework all had to do some "referencing" in order to do.This is so damn sadis.Today had to jog round the school. 1.5km.Last thurs was 1.2 around the stadium.Weird. I could run longer distance but yet not as tired.Is the scientific proof real? I guess so.Then we had to do 20 push-ups. WHich was chicken feet for me one year ago.But now... Only 5 hands going to give way liao. Really omg right?Then had to do 30 sit-ups.Wa.. Stomach damn paiN!Then went for interview.It was like what the shit la.Questions posted to me were:1) Pretend u are standing on the stage. Everyone is very quiet. How would u make them make some noise or whatever? Then What if they dont wan to cheer?2) U are from band right? i want u to use a song to describe urself.. ( i was stunned!!)3) For eg, there's a person in ur group who does not want to take part in anything. How would u make her do so?4) Describe what leadership means to u. (smth like that).. ( alothough this was like a piece of cake.. I could not think of anything at that moment. Was like damn it!!Then came home. Played Bball for 30 minshaha. yup.Tomorrow there's bandTake care guys!!