Monday, August 07, 2006
powerful words
11:27 PM
Today we missed pe again. Humph! Always like that. Always our class is the one that misses pe. This is the third time in seven weeks know! Not fair! anyway, its good. Cause if not we have to do the disgusting dance. And that's like OMG type of dance. SHake here shake there. yucks. Yup, then was chi. As usualy, slacked. We had to write a letter to the principle regarding the fight. Haiz. Its easier to say then to write. Naturally, left out loads of points. Then recess. Then was bio. Today no lab. So again did some revision. Then chem Did titration. Think i did four times? Haha. FIrst time actually correct. But did not read instructions carefully, so reading overshot. K lor. Then redo. Turn the stupid nob till my fingers so pain. Haha. Then funally got the reading. Actually was wrong. The correct should be 23.9. I got 23.7. Haha. Then was english. Did some preparation for eng oral. Omg. Time is passing so quickly. This friday i am taking my eng oral exams already. I want to promise myself it would not turn out the same as chinese. If tears drop. It would be a happy tear dropped. NOt a sad one. I am not prepared yet. Haiz. Everything seems so be passing so fast. Prelims is just one more month to go? And i have not started revising. HOw??? SOmeone help me!!! please. words are powerful ok. It can affect one's feeling. So. please. use words wisely. i really dont want to sigh anymore.
Take care guys!!