Thursday, February 09, 2006
Raindrops falling
9:42 PM
Today we had bio practicle, so we had to bring flowers to disect and draw. Haha. The sap of the lily was smelly! haha. Then was recess. Then had chem. Wa.. Pms sia.. Come in only scold us. HOw would we know we had to go to the lab. Hai yo. He mood swing lor.. So we went to the lab. Then after practical, he was smiling away. Siao gao.. Haha.. Then we had photo taking. QUite ok la. But u know something??? I sat on the bench again! NOt fair! I so short meh?? Haha.. Ok.. Whatever. Then had amath. DId not undertand what the teacher was teaching. HAha. Then after that got physic study hour. Haha. So stupid. The teacher kena cheated also dono! haha. Ok. i know we are bad. Buut we have to protect ourselves. Haha. So too bad he did not find out. After study hour had a short meeting. Then went for tuition. What the. The rain was so so so so heavy. A downpour actually. The umbrella had not much use. Haha. Yup, then went to grandmother house after that. Then came home. Yup. Kkx.. Tml o level results cooming out already. Good luck to everyone receiving them!!