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Sunday, October 31, 2004
fUn n LaUghTeR??!! nO LaUghtEr iS thE faCT
11:52 AM tOday 8 OcLocK waKe up aLreaDy... duNo y caNoT sLeep lOngeR... theN weNt tO sCh... haX... theN seTTle sOme thinGs theN sOlOman, sHi yiNg, sEE sOon n me pLay mOnOpOly... kerOy b baNkeR... bT hE bLur bLur wan.. ( aS uSuaL).. iN thE enD we 'sElF-seRviCe'.. hahax~ pLay untiL veRi siaN... one by Onwe baCk OuT.. hahx~ theN weNt tO pLay Bb... frOm 10.30 to 2.30.... bOy.. iT waS a tiRing wan.. bT diD enjOy iT... fEEl Lk pLayinG iT agAIn tOm.. bT lOokS Lk iTs nOt pOSsibLe... eVeRyOne iSh tiRed.. iF nOt haC smTh On... sO dunO waD tO dO tOm.. caN geT reaDy tO sTay aT hOme tO 'rOt' liaOx... hax~ sO bOred.. k lahx.. nTh eLse tO wRite liaO.. tC... bUai... =PpP Wednesday, October 27, 2004
11:28 AM LefT 3 mOre dayS theN Our cLaSs haV tO bE 'dIstOrteD'.... haix... sad.. tOday kEep pLayiN pOkeR n wAtcHinG mOviE n ReaDiNg my stOry bOok... aLl sO inteReStinG... duNo tO chOosE wHiCh waN beTa... hahax~ theN tOday sO sWay gT baNd... cOs gT heaDacHe... nOw stiLL paIn sIa... waDs wRonG wiF mi?? ya... theN saW sMtH tOo... slowLy gUeSs!! hax.. tOday nO mOod tO wRiTe mUch... bYex... tC Monday, October 25, 2004
8:24 AM tOdaY 8+ waKe uP LiaOx... waN tO sLeep mOre asO caNoT... duNo y... hax~ theN LiE on thE beD waiT fOr tiMe tO paSt... theN lOok dOwm tO thE Bb cOuRt... theN saW... TW, SH, YL,S pLayinG... theY gOod lOrx.. hahaX... pLay asO nvR caLL mE gO pLay.. hah~ Jk... bT laTa asO gT gO pLay... pLay uNtiL aBt 1.. theN raiNinG... sO gTg lOrx... theN keNa caLLed hOme... theN aTe sPaggEti fOr lUncH... theN wenT bedOk intEr taKe my sPeCs... theN gO ntUc... theN waLk heRe waLk theRe kEEp sEeiNg JiaJia.. hax.. sI qiaO... yuP.. theN gO hOme loRx.. bOred xia.... Kkx... wRitE tiLL heRe... Thursday, October 21, 2004
wadS wRonG??!
7:08 AM hAix... tOdaY gT baCk aLL thE rEsuLts... sOb soB... aLL asO 60+... hOw? shiT wan lOr.. stiLL gT 50+ OneS... sEE my reSuLtS Lk taD... caN pRepaRe tO geT scOldeD... hahax~ bT nOw haCk caRe fOr a mOmenT.. hahax~ lEt mE haVe sOme fUn fiRst can?? yup... tOday sO siaNx.. mOrninG stiLL gT Sw... theN cheCk maThs papeR.. sO laN.. aLL caReleSs.. feeL Lk sLappiNg mYseLf.. haIx.. theN sCienCe yeSt gT baCk.. asO diSsapOintEd... mY maRks aLL aR... theN cHi asO.. eNg asO... haix... dUn waNa tOk aBt thiS... k laHx... theN mY haNd n lEg stiLL huRt frOm tad daMn faLL.. bT reaLi canOt geT my miNd awaY fRom my maRks... cLaSs pOsitiOn suRe dRop wan... haix... % aRdy drOp sO muCh... reaLi sAd... Kkx.. thinGy i'LL wRiTe tiLL heRe... nO pOinT tOkinG aBt aLL theSe lOusy maRksx... tC.. bUai... Tuesday, October 19, 2004
11:45 AM tOday veRi sUai.. wOke uP aT 8+ thEn... laTa gT ppL spRay thE mOsqUitO thIngy... sO smeLLy!!! theY spRay One LeveL by One LeveL sOmemOre!!! waH... my hOle HouSe fiLLed wiF tad sTingkY sMeLL!! hahax~ theN laTa baTh aRdy theN maKe mY waY tO lOng jOhn... theN laTa weNt Pp... theN weNt deVelOpe the pHotOs... theN aTe at fOodcOuRt... yup.. qUiTe bOrinG... qUitE fUn tOo!! theN laTa wenT tO MPH... (mad peopels hospital) hahax... Jk... theN caNnOt dEciDe On gOinG wheRe... theN wE dEciDed tO gO tm waTch mOviE... bT tad shOw 4.30 theN staRt!! sO tOo laTe aRdy.. sO gO waLk waLk... nO.. i asO duNo wad wE dO lahX.. theN wE gO KFC eaT... hahx~ theN gO hOme... thiS iSh thE swaY paRt... bT iSh aLL my faULt... wE aCtuaLLy waNa fOllOe kErOy tO lOok fOr cLarAbeL.. wE rUn rUn rUn... theN sTupid mE, rUn asO duNo hOw tO rUn... theN tRip N faLL... OucH!!! My gOd!! sO paIN!!!!!!!!!!! mY baCk waS huRt.. my knEE n mY eLbOw... lUckiLy meL wAs theRe tO heLp... aCtuaLLt taD aBolOne asO gT heLp abIt... yup.. theN Lk tad... iN thE eNd asO nvR find kErOy.. bcOs oF me... sOb sOb.. theN gO hOme liaO lOrx... wOrSe paRt iSh bAthiNg... waTeR tOuCh iT... my gOd... sO paIn... kEna scOldeD... cOs iTs my faUlt.. thiS iSh thE pUniShmenT fOr gOinG Out!! haIx... Saturday, October 16, 2004
FiNaLLy fRee!!~
12:55 PM YiPpy!! fInaLLy fRee frOm exaMs... beTa duN thiNk tOo faR... cOs eXams aRe cOminG uP aGain... hahax~ yuP... tOday tOok my laSt papeR.. aRt.. dO untiL ny hanD bEcOme "chArcOaL" cOs my baCkgRouNd waS in bLacK!! cOloUr untiL hanD sO suaN... (nEEd sOme aCidiC jUicE) bLaRx... theN ruSh hOme baTh aLL thOse... theN wenT tO mEEt MiN, hUiyiNg, HuiShaN anD xUe jUan tO gO HaeRtLanD maLL... wAd tHe... i waIteD fOr 30 miNs... aLL bEcOs oF... duN saY laHx... sO bad.. hahax~ yuP.. theN wE tOok 51 theRe.. veRi fUn.. wE tOk n tOk... theN lateR chAnGe bUs.. pLay cOmceNtRatiOn... tOk... untiL aLmoSt miSs thE stOp... LuCky saW!! iF nOt.. dIaO.... ahhax~ yUp.. theN wE tOok aLoT oF piCs.. ( aLL qUite okay) hahax~.. (gT mOi mah... dUn waN facE) hahax... bLaRx~ theN aTe KFC fOr lUncH... theN eaT OniOn riNgS fOr teaBreAk... ahahx~ yup.. theN gO hOme... Long tIme nVr waLk fOr sO lOng.. tOday waLk untiL leH sO suaN~ ahhax~.. yup tadS aLL.. hEex... bUaI... tC... MuAcK!!! Friday, October 15, 2004
3:20 AM FinaLLy eXaM ovEr liAox.. aCtuaLLy stiLL haV oNe mOrE lahx.. aRt.. tad waN heCk caRe.. hahax~ tOday papeR stiLL ok laHx... can saY beTa theN thE reSt... thE reSt reaLi diFF... can prepaRe tO diE... ha... sO nOw veRi fRee... leFt tad sTuPid aRt... dUn feeL lk dOing... mUz dRaw aGain... veRi siaN... yup... tOday aFteR the DnT gO eaT caRRot caKe... aCtuaLLy waNa eaT aT maC wan... bT... u aLL knOe i veRi gOod wan... aCCompany my fRen gO eaT hawkeR... hahax~ theRe veRi the hOt.. lk in OveN... hax... kiDDinG... theN aFteRtad we weNt maC chiT-chaT... tOk abT tOm waNa gO wheRe aLL thOse... untiL 11 theN cOme hOme... theN dO aRt lO... sO gTg dO aRt Le... bUai... tC~~! =pPp Wednesday, October 13, 2004
8:40 AM DaMn sHit... tOdays papeR aLL can geT ready tO faiL!! OMG... sTupiD q aLL sO diFF... anyhOw dO asO nO ans siaz... then lEave bLanK... die liaOx lOrx... aLL whO's faUlt? my faUlt lOrx.. hahax.. gOinG mad alReady.. bT at leaSt aLL the impOrtant OneS (LefT chi) kaO wan le... can't waiT fOr the examS tO geT oveR... haix... headaChe.. duN bOrdeR tO leaRn chI.. bOred sia... liFe reaLy suX.. Friday, October 08, 2004
4:47 AM sO neRvOus... waiT fOr the papeRs... tOday fiRst day Of the aCtuaL papeRs... scARed aLL dunnO hOw tO dO xia... finaLLy taKe the papeR... eVeRythinG sEEmEd sO haRd... bT lUckiLy thiS waS nOt thE reaL thinG... i fiNd the maThs stiLL Ok.. bT quIte diFF tOo... wOrSeLy iS thE sTupid geOg... aLL the q aLL nOt reLated wan... stiLL asK whO iSh the wan whO dOnatEd mOney... stuPid q xia... bT finaLLy geOg iSh oveR.. dun need tO lOok aT iT anymOre!! ahhax!~ sO happy!! can finaLLy phew.. hahax~ nTh uCh tO wRite liaOx... waNa chaT wiF mUa buDdieS!! tC... mUacK!! Saturday, October 02, 2004
tOk... tOk... tOk...
12:44 PM OoO... sO tiRed... (ywaRn) tOday fiRst day Of exam.. papeR One... fOr the eng... i chOoSe nO. 3.. whiCh is chiLdhOod memOrieS... wRoTe a biG chUnk Of ruBbiSh... hahax~ theN laTa gT cHi papeR... i chOsE 2 n 5.... asO chiLdhOod memOrieS... sO bOred leHz... they seT papeR asO aLL the same one...!! siaN neHx... aFteR exam juI mOre relieF liaO... cOs finaLLy one papeR finiSh... canOt waiT fOr aLL tO fiNiSh!! haha~ theN i gO bandStOre mEet meL... cOs waNa gO eaT at maC.. haahx~ gT meL, Ee Ling, QijuN n me!! aCtuaLLy veRi siaN... onLi sO feW.. hahaX.. aCtuaLLy tOt afTeR eaT gO hOme uSe inTeRneT.. Bt whO knOws?? hahax~ we chiT chaT untiL 5+ then gO hOme.. we tOk frOm eaSt tO weSt... weSt tO nOrth n nOrth tO sOutH!! hahax~ asO cRacK LAME jOkeS!! ya.. tOday On thE buS gT One mOtheR.. bcOs heR chiLdreN sinG sOng... she dun unceRstanD.. say they "kaU beI kaU bu"... sO bad leHz.. stiL sCold theiR teAcheR say teaCh thiS tyPe nOisy sOng!!! hahax~ piTy them!! yuP.. nTh muCh tO wRite liaO... haahx... nIteZ.. tC.. mUacKx!! |
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Ng Ling Mei has seen the world changing for 19 years.Wonderful aries that has since seek great independence on 29 March 1990 Clarinetist of DW and MJCSB Thoughts
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